
Packaging design review saves Beretta €360,000 per year

The Beretta Group have been producing the best Italian food products for more than 200 years. Present in almost all European and non‑European countries they are one of the most active and important Italian food exporters.

The Brief

In preparation for the MACSI tax being applied to plastic products in July 2020 (Italy) Beretta engaged with AMB to explore new pack geometry to enable a reduction in the PET film gauge. The objective of this project was to reduce the tax burden through the business whilst also understanding if there were areas for overall improvements in packaging performance.

What We Delivered

AMB went to work evaluating the current 250my PET Clear sample pack through its technical testing process. It was quickly defined that there were key areas for improvement in forming definition and strengthen geometry. From a revised design concept, AMB rapidly produced samples sets at both 225my and 200my to align with the objective of down gauging. Samples where subject to Vertical Load Tests with the newly designed zigzag pattern in the base. From brief to samples and finding presentation the process was completed in 6 days.

The Results

  • €360,000 of cost saving on material per year
  • 20% reduction in weight @ 200my
  • 93% load test improvement @ 200my
  • Visual appeal increased
  • No impediment to current tray production process

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